Hello Local readers. Thanks for your patience in waiting for the latest blog entry. Life at Local has been exceptionally busy these last few months – we’ve grown in page length by leaps and bounds so have much more content and have brought in a bunch of new advertisers to help us pay for that space This is all great news but is also very time-consuming. However, we hope we’ve figured out the new and improved world of Local and as part of that, I look forward to spending more time at the blog. The reason I started this blog is because so many interesting things happen in the course of creating the magazine. I want to be able to share them with you so I plan to be here more often and hope we can build this into an interesting community hub. We’re thinking of introducing a readers blog spot soon which could be fun. It would be a place for you to post your comments and observatsions – probably about a per issue topic but also about the stories and your related stories and comments. There’s lots to come at localmagazine.ca so stay tuned as we get new and improved online as well.
Editor's Blog
Browse the Summer 2015 issue