Hello readers who took the time to visit the site and thought to check the blog – I wonder how many of you there are??? Next issue we’ll know since we’re doing some cool upgrades to the site. Anyway, I was trying to post all the content this morning and last night but we were having a few server issues with the site content management – argh – so…I’ll be back at it tonight and for those of you who are here already – GOOD ON YOU!!!! but please do me a favour and come back again over or after the weekend. By then we should be full operational and surfing here will be more rewarding as a result. Sorry about the delay but we really wanted to get the issue on the street and since you wouldn’t even be here without it, we saw it as the priority and are heading out to spend the day distributing rather than typing away here. By Monday you’ll have stories and links, events, and more advertisers and distribution points. And by September hopefully I’ll have a web person on board to babysit this stuff for me so that you don’t need to read these delay notes on my blog. Have a great summer day – its a beauty out there. :)sarah
Editor's Blog
Browse the Summer 2015 issue