What a Summer this one has been. Not sure about you but I have loved the Summer of 2015 – my only complaint is that it has absolutely flown by! I often complain of time passing quickly but honestly can’t recall four months to ever have blown by so fast. I guess its true what they say – time flies when you’re having fun but still!!! However, we decided to go with that flow and with the great weather and we put our Summer Issue out after the Pan Am Games excitement. We figured there had been a lot of distractions to start July and there was still LOTS of Summer time left. We’ve given you an issue that suggests many activities that can enhance your Summer – Cycling, Longboarding and Stand Up Paddleboarding. We’ve also pointed you to a bunch of beverages to enjoy after a fun work out or just because its a beautiful day. Oh, and by the way, I capitalize Summer because I believe the seasons deserve a capital – particularly a season this beautiful. Have fun and enjoy the issue and more importantly the drinks and activities :)!
Editor's Blog
Browse the Summer 2015 issue